Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gotta go back, BACK, back to school again....

Oh no, they gotta Go...back again!!

School restarts tomorrow and (clockwise) Alexis, Josh and Clayton along with Cheyanne, Tyler and Archie will be hitting the books and filling their heads with many things that are actually used in the real world!

For me, it's a mixed blessing. I'm happy for them to be going back and getting off their collective butts, but it's still a little sad. Just another step in growing up. Archie will be a senior this year. Hard for me to believe. We talked about it a little last night. He remembers, a little, of his first year in school. He went to head start when he was four to help with his speech. That was 1995. Amazing all the life that has been lived since those years. Births and deaths, mountains and valleys, comings and goings in the lives of those that reside in this house.

For everyone that is returning, or has kids returning or just starting...."Oh no, you gotta go..back to schooooool.........AGAIN!


Mike said...

hard to beleive that my little guy is about to start 8th grade! Very mixed feelings on my part. Still want to have him be my little buddy. My little buddy is now almost as tall as me and has larger feet than me. The clock keeps ticking :-) I know I will always be his dad....but that role is ever elvolving.

Great to see a new post from the Gopman. A's are in town this week. I might sneak to the park and secretly root for em :-)

Lori said...

Hard for me to even go there right now as I take my 'baby' to her college dorm tomorrow morning.

Nuff said. sniff, sniff....

Anonymous said...

When I picked Clayton up from school yesterday, he said,"Grandma, I didn't like kindergarten on the first day, but today I love it". I asked him if he made any new friends and he said, "no,tomorrow I'm going to make new friends".