Just Keep Racking Em Up
Archie and I have been in a few parades with The San Joaquin Gunslingers over the past few months. The Gunslingers are a old west reenactment group that Archie and I are charter members in. The group started in Nov 2006 working at Cobb ranch ( you can learn about them here http://www.cobbranch.com/Xmas%20Festival/xmas-festivalmain.php ) Over the past year we have been entered in some parades around the valley. The way it works is there is a group of us, anywhere from 8 to 15. Most of the group rides on a wagon while a few others ride horses. We all have six shooters that we shoot blanks from. Yep, real guns but safety is ALWAYS first! We load then buddy up and check the other persons load to make sure! And we NEVER point a gun at someone, instead pointing it around the ground near his feet. (OK mom, that should make you feel better!) So, back to Archie and I. Well sir, Archie and I don't ride anything in these parades! We walk the whole thing. Archie works one side of the street and I work the other. We play with the kids, swap hats with "the cool kids" (funny to see a future gang banger wearing a cowboy hat AND a big grin at the same time!) and get kisses on the cheek from the older ladies! We just have a ball doing this AND we're doing it together which means lots to me! Well we are on a streak, having finished in the top three in the last four parades we have entered! This may be sounding like Archie and I do all the work, but we don't. Archie and I ARE the fun part of the act. We are the ones interacting with the people and making them notice the group (although guys shooting guns is a pretty go way to be remembered too). All this being said, it all comes down to Father and Son, playing cowboy together, and what could be better than that!!
Congrads on taking Top Honors!
Makes me feel a little better, but not a lot. You could hit the feet you know.
This is so neat...father and son. You are making memories that will last you both a lifetime.
Great job! Looks like fun! Your Moms comment cracked me up! :-)
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